Chapter 161 of the Texas Family Code discusses terminations of the parent-child relationship. There are a number of different reasons why the court may decide to involuntarily terminate the parent-child relationship, and there are also some accepted voluntary reasons to have the relationship terminated.
A look at a few of the more common reasons behind involuntary termination of the parent-child relationship include if the court finds evidence that the child has been mistreated or is not safe with its parent. This can include but is not limited to various things such as the parent exposing the child to alcohol, drugs, or other controlled substances, or abandoning or neglecting the child. Termination of the parent-child relationship can also occur involuntarily for other situations, such as the court finding the parent unable to care for the child, due to illness or deficiency of some nature.
Family law attorneys at Tilton & Tilton have handled countless cases of termination on both sides of the playing field and have protected our clients from unjust termination of their parent-child relationship or helped terminate a relationship that wasn’t meant to be. Terminations are complicated legal scenarios, so it’s always best to have help from an attorney when dealing with such a situation. Our family law attorneys provide a free legal consultation to you upon request by calling 713-774-8600. Schedule an appointment to meet with our experienced family law attorneys at our conveniently located Houston office and we can provide you with a valuable legal consultation regarding your unique circumstances.